Ultrasound Scan Centre

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    Ultrasound Scan Centre in Ferozepur

    A Glimpse into Motherhood: The Role of Ultrasound Scan in Pregnancy

    What is Ultrasound/ Sonography?

    An Ultrasound scan, also known as Sonography, is a medical imaging technique that uses sound waves to create real-time images of the inside of the body. It is commonly used during a mother’s pregnancy period to check the baby’s growth and development. During an ultrasound procedure, a gel-like liquid is applied to the abdomen. Then, a device called the transducer emits high-frequency sound waves that bounce off the internal structures and create images on a monitor. Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital is the best ultrasound scan centre in Ferozepur. 

    Role of Ultrasound Scan in Pregnancy

    Ultrasound is super important during pregnancy. It is like a magical window that lets doctors see what’s happening inside the womb. During pregnancy, Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of the baby, uterus, and other reproductive organs. It’s entirely safe for both the mom and the baby. Some key points about the role of Ultrasound in pregnancy:

    Overall, Ultrasound is an essential tool in prenatal care. It provides valuable information about the baby’s health and overall growth and development. It allows parents to see their little ones before birth, creating a deeper connection and excitement for the upcoming arrival. For more information, consult the Best Ultrasound Scan Center in Ferozepur, Punjab.

    Are there any risks associated with Ultrasound?

    Ultrasound is considered safe, and no known risks are associated with it when it is used correctly. Klaia Eye and Maternity Hospital provides you with well-trained team members who perform the Ultrasound and follow the recommended guidelines properly. They will use the appropriate settings and duration to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby.
    Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital provides you with safe and secure Ultrasound to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby. We provide you with reasonable Sonography costs in India.