Dr Ashwani Kalia Explains The Impact Of Diabetes On Eyes

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    Dr Ashwani Kalia Explains The Impact Of Diabetes On Eyes

    The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing every day. Diabetes affects the whole body, and the eye is no exception. In this video, Dr Ashwani Kalia explains how diabetes impacts our eyes. 

    Dr Ashwani Kalia explains that it is crucial to get diabetes treated, as high sugar levels in the blood can have an adverse impact on other parts of the body. If diabetes is not treated on time or controlled, it can cause partial or complete vision loss. It can also cause diabetes retinopathy. Hence, if a person is suffering from diabetes, it becomes crucial for them to get a retina checkup twice a year. 

    At Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital, there are different advanced and the latest equipment that help in advanced eye checkups, such as ZEISS from Germany. This machine is only available at Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital in Ferozepur. Besides this, angiography, green laser, and intravitreal injections are also available. Retina specialists visit Kalia Hospital every Thursday. 

    So, if you have diabetic retinopathy or any eye-related issue, visit Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital. Book your consultation with our experts and take the first steps towards a brighter and clearer vision.